Sanibel Island Webcams

Missing the beach on your favorite islands? Thanks to some of our favorite local businesses, you can take a virtual visit to Sanibel anytime you want, with their Sanibel Island webcams.

With a tap of your finger, you can see those spectacular Sanibel Island views: palm trees swaying in the wind, waves crashing on the shore, and views of the most spectacular shelling beaches in the United States. 

Looking for views of Captiva Island? Don’t miss our Captiva Island beach cams post.

Beach View Sanibel Island Webcams

Sanibel MooringWebcam
Sanibel Siesta Webcam
Casa Ybel Webcam
Casa Ybel Webcam
The Island Inn Webcam
The Island Inn Webcam

These Sanibel Island beach cams give you a live look at the island, lending you insight into places where you may want to stay the next time you visit Sanibel Island.  

This alphabetical list includes all cameras operating in November 2021. 

Casa Ybel Webcam

Situated at the south end of Sanibel Island, Casa Ybel’s beach cam streams a view of Sanibel Island, the Gulf of Mexico, and Ft. Myers Beach with its easterly view. 

Casa Ybel Webcaam

The Island Inn Webcam

If you want a close-up of the beach, the beach cam from the Island Inn is your go-to. Located just west of the island’s southernmost tip, you’ll see mounds and mounds of shells at this popular resort. 

The Island Inn Webcam

Related: A Stay at The Island Inn Sanibel Island

Sanibel Moorings Webcam

With greenery from the dunes and palm trees along with a gulf view, the Sanibel Moorings beach cam is perfect for shaking off the winter blues. 

Sanibel Moorings Webcam

Sanibel Siesta On The Beach Webcam

Beach umbrellas and sea oats abound in this view from the grounds of Sanibel Siesta’s condos and vacation rentals.

Sanibel Siesta On The Beach Webcam

Sundial Beach Resort Webcam

Located halfway between the southern end of Sanibel and the Sanibel Lighthouse, the Sundial Beach Resort beach cam looks straight out into the Gulf of Mexico. Palm fronds waving in slow motion, relaxing beach chairs, and the occasional game of beach volleyball are the highlights of this webcam. 

Sundial Beach Resort Webcam

Non-Beach Sanibel Island Webcams

Ding Darling Wildlife Refuge Webcam
Ding Darling Wildlife Refuge Webcam
Sanibel Causeway Traffic Cam
Sanibel Causeway Traffic Cam

Resorts aren’t the only places on the island with live feeds. There are two non-beach webcams on Sanibel Island worth noting.

J.N. “Ding” Darling Wildlife Refuge Webcam

The “Ding” Darling Wildlife Society, the non-profit assisting the island’s national wildlife refuge, has a live feed of the refuge’s grounds. In keeping with the organization’s commitment to conservation, this camera is solar-powered and is only available from sunrise to sunset. 

J.N. “Ding” Darling Wildlife Refuge Camera

Sanibel Causeway Traffic Webcam

The City of Sanibel’s traffic camera overlooking the Sanibel Causeway provides a view from the island’s eastern edge. Click on the link below to see the causeway, with Sanibel Causeway Beach and Ft. Myers in the background. 

Sanibel Causeway Traffic Camera

Note: Scroll down and click on the “Causeway” camera. 

Capturing Captiva